Performed at Musjidus Salaam by Moulana Sufiyan Tailor and Qari Saeed Masood (May Allah Protect Them)
Dear listener,
Please keep in mind that the files accessible to you on this platform are the recordings of The Qur’aan-e-majeed which were recited in the Taraweeh salaah.
Great benefit and reward can be achieved by listening to The Qur’aan-e-majeed; however, these recordings should not be used as a benchmark for proficiency in recitation simply because the setting in which Taraweeh salaah is recited, is prone to errors, omissions and slip-ups.
Bearing that in mind, we ask Allah Ta‘ala to grant the reciters, the listeners and those who brought this project to completion, the true love of The Qur’aan-e-majeed and the divine ability to practice upon its teachings with sincerity and acceptance.